Welcome to the Baird Brothers Blog
Welcome to the Baird Blog, where we discuss fine hardwoods, decorating trends and more! If you want notified each time we post a new article, sign up for Hardwood Advisor at the bottom of this page. We typically send one email per month, except when we have something extra special we want to share with you, which only happens a few times per year.
Local hardwood manufacturer’s yearly blowout sale to offer discounts on all items, including new product line Canfield, OH: Starting Saturday, Sept. 21 and running through Monday, Sept. 23, Baird Brothers Fine Hardwoods is holding its largest sale of the year – Red, White & True. All items will be discounted, including Baird Brothers’ new product […]
It’s taken interior design by storm and we know we’ve mentioned it over and over: butcher block countertops look great as kitchen islands, full kitchen countertops and bathroom accents. But, those beautiful wood countertops can be so much more than just a chopping block for food preparation. There are plenty of other creative uses out […]
Lets face it, those generic stock options from big box stores just don’t cut it – especially when you want your home to reflect your unique style. Custom wood doors, by comparison, deliver that extra wow factor each and every time. But not all doors are built the same, and in order to truly get […]
Ok. You have your project plans ready to go and are taking the next big step – buying the dimensional lumber. But then, confusion sets in when you realize the product you’re looking for has two different names. Oh no! It’s important to know that when it comes to the size of finish grade lumber, there’s […]
Did you get new butcher block counters for your kitchen? Great choice! Butcher block countertops are a stylish and functional option for your home, but proper butcher block countertop care is essential for keeping them in tip-top shape.